Pájaro Falling (2018)
Site-specific performance, blood, water, dirt, transparent plastic tarp, green military uniform, glass greenhouse, duration.
Pájaro Falling, 2018, is a site-specific durational performance investigating the traps I fall into, being non-binary and Cuban. I carry my own blood, water, dirt, and white flowers, inside a large transparent plastic tarp, into a greenhouse in the woods of Vermont. Before entering, I pour the mixture over my face and chest and then hang the tarp over a beam inside the greenhouse. Under the tarp, I cycle through pull ups, military salutes, steps and marches, and then transform these militant gestures into a vogue. As I gain momentum dancing throughout the greenhouse, I begin look for an exit, pushing my body through the tarp and out of the glass house. This piece interrogates the conditions of hyper-visibility and the inevitable abjection queer bodies endure when moving through normative spaces.
Images courtesy of Kean O’Brien