Herramientas del Poder II (Restrained)(2022)

Performance, sack, military uniform, sound, duration.

Herramientas del Poder II (Restrained) 2022, examines how power restrains, disorients, and exhausts its opponents. Wearing all white with a bag over my head and my hands tied behind my back, I am forcefully moved throughout a museum by a man in military uniform. As we travel through and within the galleries, infrasound and the beat of a heart is heard throughout the museum to produce a sense of anxiety in the body. Depicting what is happening inside the body and activating the museum as an organ, and a body we are inside of. In this descriptive durational performance I not only stage an act of detainment to question power, but also assume a position that renders how people survive their historical situations. 

This creative interruption investigates the Gilboa Prison Break of 2021 and my contact with violence and power. Reflecting on dictatorial regimes, I consider the personal and collective body, its proximity to power, and how power administers a tactic of control and its effect on the most vulnerable people in society.

On September 6, six Palestinian prisoners escaped from the maximum security prison in northern occupied Palestinian land, through an underground tunnel in the prisons drainage system. After shocking the Israeli defense system into a manhunt, all six escapees had been re-captured by September 19, 2021. Their names are Zakaria Zubeidi, Mahmoud Abdullah Ardah, Mohammed Qassem Ardah, Yaqoub Mahmoud Qadri, Ayham Nayef Kamamji, Monadel Yacoub Nafe’at.

Herramientas del Poder II (Restrained) is directed by Alexis Ruiseco Lombera and performed in collaboration with Christofer Medina. This project was supported, in part, by a Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant. 

Images and video courtesy of Argenis Apolinario


Herramientas del Poder (Saco)


Contenedor (El Cuerpo)